
Lapping and Polishing material

Innsotech provide the complete tools and solutions for lapping and polishing process for all surface finishing needs, especially for high-tech materials.. We offer a comprehensive selection of diamond abrasives including micron diamond powder, diamond compound, diamond slurry, grinding pads, polishing pads, lubricant..etc..

We are supporting our customers in various industries such as mold polishing, wire die finishing, precision machining, metallographic..etc..



The right diamond compound for every application
High quality lapping and polishing slurries
For easy and clean fine grinding processes with reproducible surface results
Oil-based suspension
Water-based diamond suspension
Premium diamond compound for polishing of small mold parts and different materials.
SPLENDIS O suspensions offer superior lapping and polishing
Universal diamond compound for polishing of difference mold material
MSY diamond powders for lapping and polishing process

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